Dashaka 70
इति त्वयि रसाकुलं रमितवल्लभे वल्लवा:
कदापि पुरमम्बिकामितुरम्बिकाकानने ।
समेत्य भवता समं निशि निषेव्य दिव्योत्सवं
सुखं सुषुपुरग्रसीद्व्रजपमुग्रनागस्तदा ॥१॥
कदापि पुरमम्बिकामितुरम्बिकाकानने ।
समेत्य भवता समं निशि निषेव्य दिव्योत्सवं
सुखं सुषुपुरग्रसीद्व्रजपमुग्रनागस्तदा ॥१॥
इति त्वयि | in this manner (when) Thou |
रस-आकुलं | in bliss immersed |
रमित-वल्लभे | were entertaining the Gopikaas |
वल्लवा: कदापि | (at that time) the Gopas once |
पुरम्-अम्बिका-कमितु:- | (to) the temple of Ambikaa's husband (Shiva) |
अम्बिका-कानने | in the Ambika (named) forest |
समेत्य भवता समं | going along with Thee |
निशि निषेव्य | in the night having performed |
दिव्य-उत्सवं | the divine festival |
सुखं सुषुपु:- | happily slept |
अग्रसीत्-व्रजपम्- | swallowed Nanda Gopa |
उग्रनाग:-तदा | a fierce snake then |
In this manner, as Thou were entertaining the Gopikaas and they were immersed in bliss, the Gopas went to the temple of Lord Shiva, Ambikaa's (Paarvati's) husband. Thou went along with them to the temple which was in the forest named Ambikaa. After the divine festival had been performed, they all slept happily in the night. Then a fierce snake swallowed Nanda Gopa.
समुन्मुखमथोल्मुकैरभिहतेऽपि तस्मिन् बला-
दमुञ्चति भवत्पदे न्यपति पाहि पाहीति तै: ।
तदा खलु पदा भवान् समुपगम्य पस्पर्श तं
बभौ स च निजां तनुं समुपसाद्य वैद्यधरीम् ॥२॥
दमुञ्चति भवत्पदे न्यपति पाहि पाहीति तै: ।
तदा खलु पदा भवान् समुपगम्य पस्पर्श तं
बभौ स च निजां तनुं समुपसाद्य वैद्यधरीम् ॥२॥
समुन्मुखम्- | who was looking up |
अथ-उल्मुकै:- | then with burning logs of wood |
अभिहते-अपि-तस्मिन् | being thrashed even, he |
बलात्-अमुञ्चति | from his hold did not release |
भवत्-पदे न्यपति | on Thy feet fell (the Gopas) |
पाहि पाहि-इति तै: | save save, thus by them (was said) |
तदा खलु | then indeed |
पदा भवान् | by foot Thou |
समुपगम्य | going near |
पस्पर्श तं | touched him |
बभौ स च | became he and |
निजां तनुं | his own body |
समुपसाद्य | attaining |
वैद्यधरीम् | Vidyaadharee (form) |
The fierce snake was looking up. In spite of being thrashed with burning logs of wood, it did not loose hold of his prey. The Gopas fell on Thy feet and prayed for protection. Then indeed Thou went near and touched him with Thy foot, and he became his own body and attained the former form of Vidyaadharee.
सुदर्शनधर प्रभो ननु सुदर्शनाख्योऽस्म्यहं
मुनीन् क्वचिदपाहसं त इह मां व्यधुर्वाहसम् ।
भवत्पदसमर्पणादमलतां गतोऽस्मीत्यसौ
स्तुवन् निजपदं ययौ व्रजपदं च गोपा मुदा ॥३॥
मुनीन् क्वचिदपाहसं त इह मां व्यधुर्वाहसम् ।
भवत्पदसमर्पणादमलतां गतोऽस्मीत्यसौ
स्तुवन् निजपदं ययौ व्रजपदं च गोपा मुदा ॥३॥
सुदर्शनधर प्रभो | Weilder of Sudarshana, O Lord! |
ननु सुदर्शन-आख्य:- | indeed Sudarshana named |
अस्मि-अहं | am I |
मुनीन् क्वचित्- | the sages once |
अपाहसं | (I) ridiculed |
ते-इह मां | they here me |
व्यधु:-वाहसम् | made a python |
भवत्-पद- | Thy feet |
समर्पणात्- | by contact |
अमलतां गत:-अस्मि | purification reached (have) I |
इति-असौ स्तुवन् | thus he praising |
निजपदं ययौ | (to) his own abode went |
व्रजपदं च | and to Vraja |
गोपा मुदा | the Gopas (went) happily |
O Lord! Weilder of Sudarshana! I am Sudarshana by name. Having sinned the sages for ridiculing them, they cursed me to remain here as a python. I have reached purification by the touch of Thy feet.' Thus praising Thee, he went back to his abode, while the Gopas also happily returned to Vraja.
कदापि खलु सीरिणा विहरति त्वयि स्त्रीजनै-
र्जहार धनदानुग: स किल शङ्खचूडोऽबला: ।
अतिद्रुतमनुद्रुतस्तमथ मुक्तनारीजनं
रुरोजिथ शिरोमणिं हलभृते च तस्याददा: ॥४॥
र्जहार धनदानुग: स किल शङ्खचूडोऽबला: ।
अतिद्रुतमनुद्रुतस्तमथ मुक्तनारीजनं
रुरोजिथ शिरोमणिं हलभृते च तस्याददा: ॥४॥
कदापि खलु | once indeed |
सीरिणा विहरति | with Balaraam strolling about |
त्वयि स्त्रीजनै:- | when Thou were (and) with the women folk |
जहार धनद-अनुग: | kidnapped, Kuber's emissary |
स किल | he indeed |
शङ्खचूड:- | Shankhachooda |
अबला: | the women |
अतिद्रुतम्- | very hastily |
अनुद्रुत:-तम्-अथ | (Thou) persuing him, then |
मुक्त-नारी-जनम् | releasing the women folk |
रुरोजिथ | (Thou) killed him |
शिरोमणिम् | (and) the crest pearl |
हलभृते च | to Balaraam and |
तस्य-अददा: | his (Shankhacooda's) gave |
Once indeed in Balaraam's company and with the women folk Thou were strolling about. Shankhachooda, an emmissary of Kubera, kidnapped the women. Thou hastily persued him and killed him and liberated the women. Thou gave the crest pearl of Shankhachooda to Thy brother Balaraam.
दिनेषु च सुहृज्जनैस्सह वनेषु लीलापरं
मनोभवमनोहरं रसितवेणुनादामृतम् ।
विचिन्त्य किमु नालपन् विरहतापिता गोपिका: ॥५॥
मनोभवमनोहरं रसितवेणुनादामृतम् ।
विचिन्त्य किमु नालपन् विरहतापिता गोपिका: ॥५॥
दिनेषु च | and all during the day |
सुहृत्-जनै:-सह | with the friends |
वनेषु लीलापरं | in the forest engaged in play |
मनोभव-मनोहरं | enchanting Cupid |
रसित-वेणु- | luciously, the flute's |
नाद-अमृतम् | notes flowing like nectar |
भवन्तम्- | Thee |
अमरी-दृशाम्- | to the celestial damsels' sight |
अमृत-पारणा-दायिनं | nectar drink giving |
विचिन्त्य | thinking about (all this) |
किमु न-आलपन् | what all did not lament |
विरह-तापिता | seperation pangs suffering |
गोपिका: | the Gopikaas |
During the day Thou were engaged in play with friends in the forest. Enchanting even Cupid, Thou played the flute with lucious notes flowing like nectar. Thy sight was like a drink of nectar to the eyes of the celestial damsels. Thinking about all this the Gopikaas suffered pangs of seperation and what all lamentations did they not give in to.
भोजराजभृतकस्त्वथ कश्चित् कष्टदुष्टपथदृष्टिररिष्ट: ।
निष्ठुराकृतिरपष्ठुनिनादस्तिष्ठते स्म भवते वृषरूपी ॥६॥
निष्ठुराकृतिरपष्ठुनिनादस्तिष्ठते स्म भवते वृषरूपी ॥६॥
भोजराज-भृतक:- | Kamsaa'a emmissary |
तु-अथ कश्चित् | then some one |
कष्ट-दुष्ट- | cruel and evil |
पथ-दृष्टि:-अरिष्ट: | ways looking for, (named) Arishta |
निष्ठुर-आकृति:- | terrific in appearance |
अपष्ठु-निनाद:- | (and) horrible bellowings |
तिष्ठते स्म भवते | stood before Thee |
वृषरूपी | in the form of a bull |
Once, some emissary of Kansa, always looking for ways to do cruel and evil deeds, Arishta by name, terrific in appearance, bellowing horribly, in the form of a bull stood before Thee.
शाक्वरोऽथ जगतीधृतिहारी मूर्तिमेष बृहतीं प्रदधान: ।
पङ्क्तिमाशु परिघूर्ण्य पशूनां छन्दसां निधिमवाप भवन्तम् ॥७॥
पङ्क्तिमाशु परिघूर्ण्य पशूनां छन्दसां निधिमवाप भवन्तम् ॥७॥
शाक्वर:-अथ | (this) bull then |
जगती-धृति-हारी | (who was) the world's peace plunderer |
मूर्तिम्-एष | in a form, he |
बृहतीं प्रदधान: | (which was) huge assumed |
पङ्क्तिम्-आशु | the herd soon |
परिघूर्ण्य | driving away |
पशूनां | of the cows |
छन्दसाम् निधिम्- | of the Veda's repository (Thee) |
अवाप भवन्तम् | approached Thee |
Then this bull who was the plunderer of the peace of the world, he assumed a form which was huge and driving away the herds of cows, soon approached Thee who are repository of Vedas.
तुङ्गशृङ्गमुखमाश्वभियन्तं संगृहय्य रभसादभियं तम् ।
भद्ररूपमपि दैत्यमभद्रं मर्दयन्नमदय: सुरलोकम् ॥८॥
भद्ररूपमपि दैत्यमभद्रं मर्दयन्नमदय: सुरलोकम् ॥८॥
तुङ्ग-शृङ्ग-मुखम्- | raising the horns and head |
आशु-अभियन्तं | hastily rushing |
संगृहय्य रभसात्- | catching swiftly |
अभियं तम् | fearlessly, him |
भद्र-रूपम्-अपि | (who was) in an auspicious form, though |
दैत्यम्-अभद्रम् | (he was) an Asura inauspicious |
मर्दयन्-अमदय: | killing, (Thou) delighted |
सुरलोकम् | the gods |
Raising his horns and head he was rushing hastily towards Thee. Thou caught hold of him swiftly and fearlessly who was an inauspicious Asura, though he was in an auspicious form of a bull. Thou then crushed him to death and so delighted the gods.
चित्रमद्य भगवन् वृषघातात् सुस्थिराऽजनि वृषस्थितिरुर्व्याम् ।
वर्धते च वृषचेतसि भूयान् मोद इत्यभिनुतोऽसि सुरैस्त्वम् ॥९॥
वर्धते च वृषचेतसि भूयान् मोद इत्यभिनुतोऽसि सुरैस्त्वम् ॥९॥
चित्रम्-अद्य | surprisingly now (today) |
भगवन् | O Lord! |
वृष-घातात् | by the bull's killing |
सुस्थिरा-अजनि | very firm has become |
वृष-स्थिति:- | the righteousness (Dharma's) status |
उर्व्याम् | on the earth |
वर्धते च | and is increasing |
वृष-चेतसि | in Indra's mind |
भूयान् मोद | great joy |
इति-अभिनुत:-असि | thus praised were |
सुरै:-त्वम् | by the gods Thou |
"O Lord! It is amazing that today by the killing of the bull, the status of righteousness (Dharma) is strengthened on the earth. The great joy in Indra's mind is also enhanced." Thus Thou were praised by the gods.
औक्षकाणि परिधावत दूरं वीक्ष्यतामयमिहोक्षविभेदी ।
इत्थमात्तहसितै: सह गोपैर्गेहगस्त्वमव वातपुरेश ॥१०॥
इत्थमात्तहसितै: सह गोपैर्गेहगस्त्वमव वातपुरेश ॥१०॥
औक्षकाणि | O bulls |
परिधावत दूरं | run away far |
वीक्ष्यताम्- | see |
अयम्-इह- | this here |
उक्षविभेदी | the bull slayer |
इत्थम्-आत्त-हसितै: | thus making jokes |
सह गोपै:- | with the Gopas |
गेहग:-त्वम्- | went home Thou |
अव वातपुरेश | save me O Lord of Guruvaayur |
O bulls! Run far away. See here is this slayer of bulls.' Thou went home with the Gopas who were joking in this manner. O Lord of Guruvaayur! Save me.
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